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单片机全称单片微型计算机(英语:Single-Chip Microcomputer),又称微控制器(Microcontroller),是把中央处理器、存储器、定时/计数器(Timer / Counter)、各种软入输出接口等都集成在一块集成电路芯片上的微型计算机。与应用在个人电脑中的通用型微处理器相比,它更强调自供应(不用外接硬件)和节约成本。它的最大优点是体积小可放在仪表内部,但存储量小,输入输出接口简单,功能较低。由于发展非常迅速,旧的单片机的定义已不能满足,所以在很多应用场合被称为范围更广的微控制器


型号 品牌 产品描述 类型
AT91SAM7X128B-AU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 128KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X128B-AU-999 Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 128KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X128B-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 128KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X128B-CU-999 Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 128KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X256B-AU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 256KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X256B-AU-999 Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 256KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X256B-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 256KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X256B-CU-999 Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 256KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X512-AU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 512KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X512-AU-999 Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 512KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7X512-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Microcontroller with 512KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC128B-AU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 128KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC128B-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 128KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC256B-AU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 256KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC256B-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 256KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC512-AU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 512KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC512-AU-999 Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 512KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM7XC512-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM7TDMI Crypto Microcontroller with 512KB Flash, Ethernet, USB and CAN, 100 Pins SAM7系列单片机
AT91SAM9260B-CU Microchip-Atmel ARM926EJ Embedded Microprocessor Unit, 210MHz, FS USB, Ethernet, 208 & 217 Pins AT91系列单片机
AT91SAM9260B-QU Microchip-Atmel ARM926EJ Embedded Microprocessor Unit, 210MHz, FS USB, Ethernet, 208 & 217 Pins AT91系列单片机

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